Car Accident Law Firm Serving Canton, GA

If you've been involved in a car accident in Canton, Georgia, you know that auto accidents can have a profound impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones. Dealing with the emotional trauma, physical injuries, and financial challenges can be overwhelming without the right legal guidance. At The Mabra Firm, our team of dedicated car accident lawyers in Canton is here to provide compassionate and committed legal services to anyone injured in an accident in the metro Canton area.

Did you know that the National Center for Health Statistics reports that approximately 40 million people experience personal injuries requiring medical assistance each year? Among these incidents, about 5.5 million result from car accidents.

Motor vehicle accidents are among the most common types of injuries people face. When victims of negligence seek help, they often have numerous questions about the legal system and how it works.

Filing a claim can be a complex journey with many twists and turns. If you have questions about your accident, you've come to the right place. The Mabra Firm has answers to your most frequently asked questions. Let's start by learning what steps you should take after an auto accident.

What to Do After a Car Accident in Canton, GA:

The moments immediately following a car crash are crucial. Understandably, an accident can leave you in shock or panic. Our car accident lawyers in Canton recommend following these seven essential steps:

  1. Call Emergency Services: Dial 9-1-1 immediately to get an ambulance to the accident scene. It's essential to ensure everyone's safety, as injuries may not be immediately apparent.

  2. Exchange Information: Gather information from the other driver, including their name, phone number, address, license plate number, and insurance company. This information is crucial for your insurance claim.

  3. Preserve Evidence: Do not allow anyone to move your vehicle or any debris from the accident scene. This evidence can be essential for your claim later on.

  4. Cooperate with the Police: When the police arrive, provide them with all the details you remember about the accident. They will create a police report, which can be valuable for your insurance claim.

  5. Document the Scene: Take pictures of your vehicle and any visible damages to prove your case.

  6. Contact Your Insurance Company: After seeking medical attention and documenting the accident, contact your insurance company. However, it's essential to speak with a lawyer before communicating with anyone else to ensure you handle the situation correctly.

  7. Consult with a Lawyer: Reach out to a car accident lawyer before accepting any settlement offers. Legal guidance is crucial to maximize your compensation.

Starting a Car Accident Claim:

Once you've spoken with your insurance company and contacted The Mabra Firm, the process of a personal injury claim can begin. Typically, it starts with filing a summons, and your lawyer serves a complaint to the at-fault party.

However, exceptions may apply, especially in cases involving multiple parties or on-the-job accidents. In such cases, your lawyer may need to investigate whether the at-fault party has uninsured or underinsured coverage, which could involve serving their insurance company with a complaint.

Understanding Damages in Car Accident Cases:

After a car accident, two types of damages can be awarded: general damages and special damages.

General Damages encompass physical injuries and non-property-related damages. These may include:

  • Pain and Suffering
  • Loss of Consortium
  • Disfigurement
  • Mental Trauma
  • PTSD

Quantifying general damages can be challenging as they are subjective and may require time to assess accurately.

Special Damages include expenses related to physical property or medical bills. If you are hospitalized due to the accident, the at-fault party is responsible for covering your medical expenses. Other special damages may include vehicle repairs, damaged property repairs, or compensation for irreplaceable items.

Understanding the distinction between these two types of damages is essential as you navigate your car accident case. If you have questions about the laws governing your case or other aspects of car accidents, read on.

Is My Car Accident Case Criminal or Civil?

Car accident cases can be classified as either criminal or civil, depending on various factors. Criminal cases are typically initiated by state government authorities and led by prosecuting attorneys. An example of a criminal case related to a car accident would be a DUI charge, as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal.

Civil cases, on the other hand, involve independent parties or law firms. They focus on holding the responsible party accountable for injuries and damages. To succeed in a civil case, you need to provide evidence, such as photos, police reports, and statements, to demonstrate that you are not at fault.

Understanding Tort Laws:

Tort laws address wrongful acts that result in personal injury due to negligence. In the context of motor vehicle accidents, negligent tort law comes into play. To establish a negligent tort, there must be proof of bodily harm or damage to your property caused by a failure to follow road safety rules.

While you now understand tort law, you might be wondering if your case will go to trial.

Will My Case Go to Trial?

Most car accident cases do not proceed to trial. While a trial date may be set, many claims are resolved through settlement negotiations long before reaching the courtroom.

Trials are relatively rare and typically occur when there are complex legal issues or significant disputes between the parties. When you and the at-fault party agree on a settlement, you can avoid the need for a trial.

Statute of Limitations in Georgia:

In Georgia, there is a statute of limitations that limits the time you have to file a claim for damages or wrongful death. You must file your claim within two years of the accident. After this period expires, you may no longer be eligible to pursue compensation.

However, what if the accident was not entirely the other driver's fault? In such cases, comparative negligence may come into play.

Comparative Negligence in Canton, GA:

Comparative negligence applies when both parties involved in an accident share some degree of fault. In Georgia, a jury determines the percentage of fault for each party involved. For instance, you might be found 40% at fault, while the other party is responsible for 60% of the accident's cause. Damages are then adjusted accordingly.

If you have more questions, you can find further information about comparative negligence. Next, we will address common concerns about car accident settlements.

Should I Accept the First Settlement Offered to Me?

After your accident, you may receive a settlement offer from the other driver's insurance company. It's crucial to avoid accepting this initial offer because insurance companies often aim to settle for the lowest amount possible.

Working with an attorney from The Mabra Firm is advisable. We can guide you through the legal process and negotiate on your behalf to secure the maximum compensation you deserve.

Average Settlement Amounts:

The settlement amount you can expect depends on the specifics of your case and the extent of damages incurred. On average, settlements may range from $4,000 to $80,000. To ensure a strong case, it's essential to gather evidence such as witness statements, reports, and photographs, and stay informed about Georgia state laws.

Settlements typically do not happen overnight, as insurance companies often take time to process claims.

How Long Will It Take to Receive My Settlement?

In Georgia, insurance companies have up to 40 days to settle a claim. After you approve their decision, you can expect to receive your settlement check within six weeks to four months.

Compensation for Whiplash Injury:

If you suffer from whiplash symptoms, you can file a claim and expect a settlement ranging from $3,000 to $10,000. However, the severity of your whiplash injury can affect the final settlement amount. It's worth noting that settlement funds may not be immediately disbursed.

While it's possible to handle your claim without legal representation, find out why it's essential to hire a car accident lawyer to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

Many lawyers in Canton, including The Mabra Firm, offer representation on a contingency fee basis. This means you won't need to pay any upfront fees or hourly charges. Instead, your lawyer will receive a portion of your settlement or award if your case is successful. If your case does not win, you won't owe anything.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help?

By retaining the services of a skilled personal injury attorney from The Mabra Firm, you can ensure a smooth legal process. Our local personal injury lawyers have a strong track record in maximizing compensation for our clients. We have extensive experience with various personal injury cases, including car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle wrecks, and other personal injury incidents.

Hiring an attorney means you don't have to navigate the complexities of laws, damages, and statutes on your own. We will handle your case, allowing you to focus on your recovery while we work diligently to strengthen your claim.

Get a Free Consultation with a Car Accident Lawyer in Canton:

As you can see, there are numerous questions that arise following personal injury accidents. We hope this guide has provided answers to some of your queries. Remember, having an experienced lawyer can make all the difference when seeking compensation for a negligent act.

If you've recently been in a car accident and believe the other party is at fault, don't hesitate to contact The Mabra Firm for a free consultation. We're here to address any additional questions you may have and help you begin the journey toward obtaining the compensation you deserve.
